
Where Are We/Ministries

The first community in Canada (1947)

On March 17 the pioneers landed at the Port of Halifax, Nova Scotia.  After a long day of travel, they were welcomed to St Basile by the Hospitallers of St Joseph.  Fr Mazerolle hastened to invite them to Parent where he had recently had a school built and offered it for them to take charge. 

Three months later, encouraged and guided by the Hospitallers, Sr Marie de la Visitation, Sr Marie Régina and Sr St Fidèle accepted the challenge and came to live in the temporary accommodation offered by the parish priest in his presbytery. In August 1947 two Irish Sisters, Sr Baptist Vianney and Sr Gillesa joined them and from September became involved in teaching at the school of Our Lady of Fatima.

The inside of chapel in St Basile today where our pioneers spent their first 3 months in Canada.

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Our Current Ministries

  • Animation of lay Marists (seniors)
  • Administration of a scholarship fund (local youth)
  • Parish and diocesan ministry (catechesis, liturgy, choir, seniors’ groups, sick)
  • Volunteer work (Red Cross cloakroom, medical transportation, home visits, community kitchens)
  • Community support (errands, transportation, medical appointments, cooking, outings)
  • Financial administration of the Unit (support for our employees)
  • And finally, prayer, our ministry par excellence!