Australia,  Marist Family

Marist Camino in Sydney

It was a sunny winter morning when 70 members of the Marist Family gathered in North Sydney to take part in a Marist Camino. After acknowledging the traditional owners, we began our walk.  Like the “Men of Fourviere”, we had to climb some steps before we could cross the Sydney Harbour Bridge. 

Our destination was the crypt of St Patrick’s Church Hill, where we enjoyed lunch and conversation with our fellow pilgrims.  Members of the Lay Marists who had organised the event told the story of Fourviere and then we boarded the buses for Hunters Hill. 

At Hunters Hill more members of the Marist family had gathered.  The theme of our prayer was “A Leap of Faith”.  We were led in song by the Tonga choir and reflected on the significance of Fourviere in our lives.  A young woman, Johanna, inspired us with her reflection on being a Marist and taking a leap of faith.  After prayer we were treated to a delicious afternoon of finger food, homemade cakes and slices. It was a day of great celebration and we can safely say that the Marist spirit is alive and well in Sydney in 2023.

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