Aotearoa-New Zealand,  JPIC (Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation)

Congregational Leader visits Aotearoa New Zealand

The Sisters in Aotearoa New Zealand enjoyed the visit of Sr Sylvette Mané (Congregational Leader) during January.

While visiting the sisters in the Mt Albert community, Sr Sylvette took the opportunity to share the initiatives that the JPIC team has put together on Laudato Si – one of the important mandates from the Chapter.

The sisters in the Mt Albert community have been doing their bit to take care of our “common home” in various ways, such as composting and planting their own vegetable garden.

Sr Sylvette also had some “down time” imbibing aspects of our Maori culture when she visited the Auckland Museum!

Another cultural experience was to “fight off” wetas in her bedroom, twice!

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